Adapted from the original NMpathAnalysis package,
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
import networkx as nx
from math import log
from msm_we.utils import Interval
from msm_we.utils import get_shape, weighted_choice
from msm_we.utils import reverse_sort_lists
from msm_we.fpt import DirectFPT, NonMarkovFPT
[docs]class Ensemble:
""" Define a base class to store a list of space-continuous trajectories
e.g.: [ trajectory1, trajectory2,...], each trajectory is just a matrix
where each row is a snapshot, and each column represents the evolution
of the corresponding variable.
def __init__(self, trajectories=None, verbose=False, dtype="float32", discrete=False, lag_time=1, **kwargs):
"""Initialize an object of Ensemble class"""
self.dtype = dtype
self.discrete = discrete
self.verbose = verbose
self._lag_time = lag_time
if (trajectories is None) or (trajectories == []):
self.trajectories = []
self.n_variables = 0
if verbose:
print("\nEmpty ensemble generated")
# we have a list/array of trajectories
_n_snapshots, _n_variables = get_shape(trajectories[0])
traj_length = 0.0 # Average trajectory length
for element in trajectories:
traj_length += len(element)
n_snapshots, n_variables = get_shape(element)
if n_variables != _n_variables:
raise Exception("Error: All the trajectories must have the same " "number of variables")
self.n_variables = _n_variables
self.trajectories = trajectories
n_trajs = len(trajectories)
traj_length /= n_trajs # Average
if verbose:
print("Read {} ({}-dimensional) trajectories of " "average length {}.".format(n_trajs, n_variables, traj_length))
[docs] def add_trajectory(self, trajectory):
"""Add a single trajectory to the ensemble"""
if not isinstance(trajectory, np.ndarray):
trajectory = np.array(trajectory, dtype=self.dtype)
_n_snapshots, _n_variables = get_shape(trajectory)
if self.n_variables == 0: # Empty ensemble
self.trajectories = [trajectory]
self.n_variables = _n_variables
if self.verbose:
if self.n_variables != _n_variables:
raise Exception("All the trajectories in the same ensemble must " "have the same number of variables")
if self.verbose:
def __len__(self):
# returns the number of trajectories in the ensemble
return len(self.trajectories)
def __str__(self):
if self.discrete:
feature = "Discrete, "
feature = "Continuous, "
return (
+ feature
+ "{} with {} ({}-dimensional) trajectories".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.__len__(), self.n_variables)
+ "\nTotal number of snapshots: {}".format(sum([len(traj) for traj in self]))
def __add__(self, other):
ensemble_sum = deepcopy(self)
for traj in other.trajectories:
return ensemble_sum
def __iadd__(self, other):
return self.__add__(other)
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.trajectories)
def __getitem__(self, arg):
return self.trajectories[arg]
[docs] def empirical_mfpts(self, stateA, stateB):
"""Calculate mean first passage time using direct counting method"""
return DirectFPT.mean_fpts(
self.trajectories, stateA, stateB, discrete=self.discrete, n_variables=self.n_variables, lag_time=self._lag_time,
def _count_matrix(self, n_states=None, map_function=None):
"""Built the count matrix"""
if (map_function is None) or (n_states is None):
raise Exception("The number of states and a map function " "have to be given as argument")
count_matrix = np.zeros((n_states, n_states))
for traj in self.trajectories:
previous_state = "Unknown"
for snapshot in traj:
current_state = map_function(snapshot)
if previous_state != "Unknown":
count_matrix[previous_state, current_state] += 1.0
previous_state = current_state
return count_matrix
def _mle_transition_matrix(self, n_states, map_function):
"""Generate transition matrix from count matrix"""
count_matrix = self._count_matrix(n_states, map_function)
transition_matrix = count_matrix.copy()
# Transforming the count matrix to a transition matrix
for i in range(n_states):
row_sum = sum(transition_matrix[i, :])
if row_sum != 0.0:
transition_matrix[i, :] = transition_matrix[i, :] / row_sum
return transition_matrix
[docs] def empirical_corr_function(self, stateA, stateB, times, symmetric=True):
"""Calculate correlation function for trajectories"""
n_dim = self.n_variables
stateA = Interval(stateA, n_dim) if not self.discrete else stateA
stateB = Interval(stateB, n_dim) if not self.discrete else stateB
corr_values = []
for delay in times:
assert type(delay) == int
assert delay >= 1
sum_ = 0
counts = 0
for traj in self.trajectories:
for i in range(len(traj) - delay):
sum_ += (traj[i] in stateA) * (traj[i + delay] in stateB)
counts += 1
if symmetric:
sum_ += (traj[i] in stateB) * (traj[i + delay] in stateA)
counts += 1
corr_values.append(sum_ / counts)
return corr_values
[docs]class PathEnsemble(Ensemble):
""" Derive a class to store trajectories for path analysis"""
def __init__(
self, trajectories=None, verbose=False, dtype="float32", discrete=False, lag_time=1, stateA=None, stateB=None, **kwargs
super().__init__(trajectories, verbose, dtype, discrete, lag_time, **kwargs)
if (stateA is None) or (stateB is None):
raise Exception(
"The initial state (stateA) and final state (stateB) \
have to be specified"
self.stateA = stateA
self.stateB = stateB
[docs] @classmethod
def from_ensemble(
cls, ensemble, stateA=None, stateB=None, map_function=None, discrete=False, dtype="float32",
"""Build a PathEnsemble from an ensemble object or a set of trajectories"""
list_of_pathsAB = []
if np.size(ensemble[0][0]):
n_variables = np.size(ensemble[0][0])
n_variables = 1
if (stateA is None) or (stateB is None):
raise Exception(
"The initial state (stateA) and final state (stateB) \
have to be specified"
for traj in ensemble.trajectories:
previous_color = "Unknown"
pathAB = []
for _snapshot in traj:
if map_function is not None:
snapshot = map_function(_snapshot)
snapshot = _snapshot
# color determination
if not discrete:
if snapshot in Interval(stateA, n_variables):
color = "A"
elif snapshot in Interval(stateB, n_variables):
color = "B"
color = previous_color
if snapshot in stateA:
color = "A"
elif snapshot in stateB:
color = "B"
color = previous_color
if color == "A":
elif (color == "B") and (previous_color == "A"):
list_of_pathsAB.append(np.array(pathAB, dtype=dtype))
pathAB = []
previous_color = color
return cls(list_of_pathsAB, stateA=stateA, stateB=stateB, dtype=dtype, discrete=discrete,)
def cluster(self, distance_metric, n_cluster=10, method="K-means"):
raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented yet")
[docs]class DiscreteEnsemble(Ensemble):
"""Define a base class to store a list of space-discrete trajectories"""
def __init__(self, trajectories=None, verbose=False, dtype="int32", discrete=True, lag_time=1, **kwargs):
"""Initialize an object of Discrete Ensemble"""
super().__init__(trajectories, verbose, dtype, discrete, lag_time, **kwargs)
if (self.n_variables != 1) and (self.n_variables != 0):
raise Exception(
"A discrete trajectory must have a one-dimensional \
index/variable unless is empty"
self.n_variables = 1 # by definition
[docs] @classmethod
def from_ensemble(cls, ens, map_function=None, dtype="int32"):
"""Build a DiscreteEnsemble from an ensemble object or a set of trajectories"""
# TODO: Check the case when ens is a list of trajs
if map_function is None:
raise ValueError("A map function has to be given as argument")
discrete_trajs_list = []
if isinstance(ens, Ensemble):
# it is an Ensemble object
for traj in ens.trajectories:
d_traj = np.array([], dtype=dtype)
for snapshot in traj:
d_traj = np.append(d_traj, np.array([map_function(snapshot)]), axis=0)
return cls(discrete_trajs_list)
# it is a list of trajectories
d_traj = []
for traj in ens:
d_traj += [map_function(snapshot)]
d_traj = np.array(d_traj, dtype=dtype)
return cls([d_traj])
[docs] @classmethod
def from_transition_matrix(cls, transition_matrix, sim_length=None, initial_state=0):
"""Generates a DiscreteEnsemble from the transition matrix"""
if sim_length is None:
raise Exception("The simulation length must be given")
if not isinstance(transition_matrix, np.ndarray):
transition_matrix = np.array(transition_matrix)
n_states = len(transition_matrix)
assert n_states == len(transition_matrix[0])
current_state = initial_state
discrete_traj = [initial_state]
for i in range(sim_length):
next_state = weighted_choice([k for k in range(n_states)], transition_matrix[current_state, :])
current_state = next_state
return cls([np.array(discrete_traj)])
[docs]class DiscretePathEnsemble(PathEnsemble, DiscreteEnsemble):
"""Derive a class to store a list of discrete trajectories for path analysis"""
def __init__(
self, trajectories=None, verbose=False, dtype="int32", discrete=True, lag_time=1, stateA=None, stateB=None, **kwargs
super().__init__(trajectories, verbose, dtype, discrete, lag_time, stateA, stateB, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_transition_matrix(
cls, transition_matrix, stateA=None, stateB=None, n_paths=1000, ini_pops=None, max_iters=1000000000,
Construct a path ensemble from a transition matrix
stateA: list, intitial state
stateB: list, final state
n_paths: integer, with default value of 1000
number of paths to generate
ini_pops: list or label, probability distribution over the
initial state used to generate the path
possible values:
a) None
Use a uniform distribution over the states in stateA
c) list
A list with the explicit values of the populations in stateA
that should be used to generate the ensemble
max_iters: integer, with default value of 1000000000
maximum of iterations for generating path trajectories
if ini_pops is None:
ini_pops = [1 / float(len(stateA)) for i in range(len(stateA))]
elif ini_pops == "ss":
raise NotImplementedError("Sorry: not yet implemented")
n_states = len(transition_matrix)
assert n_states == len(transition_matrix[0])
d_trajectories = []
for i in range(n_paths):
current_state = weighted_choice(stateA, ini_pops) # Initial state
path = [current_state]
for j in range(max_iters):
next_state = weighted_choice([k for k in range(n_states)], transition_matrix[current_state, :])
path += [next_state]
current_state = next_state
if j + 1 == max_iters:
print("\nWARNING: max iteration reached when generating " "the path ensemble, consider to increase max_iters")
if current_state in stateB:
path = np.array(path)
return cls(d_trajectories, stateA=stateA, stateB=stateB)
[docs] @classmethod
def from_ensemble(cls, ensemble, stateA, stateB, map_function=None):
"""Build a DiscreteEnsemble from an ensemble object or a set of trajectories"""
ens = PathEnsemble.from_ensemble(ensemble, stateA, stateB, map_function, discrete=True, dtype="int32")
return cls(ens.trajectories, stateA=stateA, stateB=stateB)
[docs] def nm_mfpt(self, ini_probs=None, n_states=None):
"""Compute the mean-first passage time from the transition matrix"""
t_matrix = self._mle_transition_matrix(n_states)
ini_state = list(self.stateA)
final_state = sorted(list(self.stateB))
return NonMarkovFPT.directional_mfpt(t_matrix, ini_state, final_state, ini_probs)
def _fundamental_sequences(self, transition_matrix, symmetric=True):
"""Divide/classify the path ensemble into fundamental sequences"""
fundamental_seqs = []
for path in self.trajectories:
if symmetric:
cmatrix = self._connectivity_matrix(path, transition_matrix * transition_matrix.T)
cmatrix = self._connectivity_matrix(path, transition_matrix)
path_graph = self._graph_from_matrix(cmatrix)
shortest_path = nx.dijkstra_path(path_graph, path[0], path[-1], "distance")
return fundamental_seqs
[docs] def weighted_fundamental_sequences(self, transition_matrix=None, symmetric=True):
"""Generate sorted fundamental sequences with weights"""
fs_list = self._fundamental_sequences(transition_matrix, symmetric)
element_count = {}
tot_count = 0
for element in fs_list:
pseudo_index = tuple(element)
tot_count += 1
if pseudo_index not in element_count:
element_count[pseudo_index] = 1
element_count[pseudo_index] += 1
weights = []
new_fs_list = []
for key, value in element_count.items():
weights.append(value / float(tot_count))
reversed_sorted_weights, reversed_sorted_new_fs_list = reverse_sort_lists(weights, new_fs_list)
return reversed_sorted_new_fs_list, reversed_sorted_weights, tot_count
def _graph_from_matrix(matrix):
"""Builds a directed Graph from a matrix like a transition matrix"""
size = len(matrix)
assert size == len(matrix[0])
matrix = np.array(matrix)
G = nx.DiGraph()
for node in range(size):
for i in range(size):
for j in range(size):
if (i != j) and (matrix[i, j] != 0.0):
G.add_edge(i, j, distance=-log(matrix[i, j]))
return G
def _connectivity_matrix(path, matrix):
"""From a given path and a matrix construct a connectivity matrix
whose elements ij are zero if the transition i->j
is not observed in the path or (i=j), while keep the rest of the
elements in the input matrix.
This way, from the connectivity matrix we could later create a graph
that represents the path, being the "distance" between nodes equal
to -log(Tij)
Tij --> i,j element in the transition matrix
the path must be 1D array of indexes
matrix = np.array(matrix)
path = np.array(path, dtype="int32")
n_states = len(matrix)
assert n_states == len(matrix[0])
c_matrix = np.zeros((n_states, n_states))
for i in range(len(path) - 1):
c_matrix[path[i], path[i + 1]] = matrix[path[i], path[i + 1]]
return c_matrix