Adapted from the original NMpathAnalysis package,
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
import msm_we.utils as utils
from msm_we.utils import Interval
class DirectFPT:
def mean_fpts(
cls, trajectories, stateA=None, stateB=None, discrete=True, n_variables=None, lag_time=1,
"""Empirical mean first passage times (MFPTs) calculation (no model
involved) by tracing the trajectories. Notice the difference between
notation between FPTs and MFPTs.
trajectories: List of trajectories [traj1, traj2, traj4], each trajectory
can be a one dimensional array, e.g.,
[[1,2,1, ...], [0,1,1, ...], ... ]
or a multidimensional array (matrix) where each column
represents the evolution of a variable.
Important: If a single trajectory is given as argument it
also has to be inside a list (e.g. [traj1])
stateA, stateB: List of integers
If the trajectories are discrete (discrete = True), both
states are a list of indexes. However, if the trajectories
are not discrete, the states are "interval" objects
(see Interval class).
lag_time: integer
Lag time used, the trajectory is "observed" every lag_time
time steps
discrete: boolean
False when the trajectories are are not discrete. In that
case the macrostates stateA and stateB are considered
interval objects.
n_variables: integer
If the trajectory is space continuous,the number of
variables/dimensions is needed. In this case every
trajectory inside "trajectories" should have the same
number of dimensions.
A dictionary with the keys: 'mfptAB', 'std_err_mfptAB', 'mfptBA',
'std_err_mfptBA' and the corresponding values. Those values are already
multiplied by the lag_time used (not the physical units).
passage_timesAB, passage_timesBA, tb_values = cls.fpts(trajectories, stateA, stateB, discrete, n_variables, lag_time)
n_AB = len(passage_timesAB)
n_BA = len(passage_timesBA)
if sum(passage_timesAB):
mfptAB = float(sum(passage_timesAB)) / n_AB
std_err_mfptAB = np.std(passage_timesAB) / np.sqrt(n_AB)
print("WARNING: No A->B events observed")
mfptAB = "NaN"
std_err_mfptAB = "NaN"
if sum(passage_timesBA):
mfptBA = float(sum(passage_timesBA)) / n_BA
std_err_mfptBA = np.std(passage_timesBA) / np.sqrt(n_BA)
print("WARNING: No B->A events observed")
mfptBA = "NaN"
std_err_mfptBA = "NaN"
kinetics = {
"mfptAB": mfptAB,
"std_err_mfptAB": std_err_mfptAB,
"mfptBA": mfptBA,
"std_err_mfptBA": std_err_mfptBA,
print("Number of A->B/B->A events: {}/{}".format(n_AB, n_BA))
return kinetics
def fpts(
cls, trajectories, stateA=None, stateB=None, discrete=True, n_variables=None, lag_time=1,
"""Empirical first passage times (FPTs) calculation (no model involved)
by tracing the trajectories. IMPORTANT: Notice the difference in notation
between FPTs and MFPTs.
trajectories: List of trajectories [traj1, traj2, traj4], each trajectory
can be a one dimensional array, e.g.,
[[1,2,1, ...], [0,1,1, ...], ... ]
or a mutidimensional array (matrix) where each column
represents the evolution of a variable.
Important: If a single trajectory is given as argument it
also has to be inside a list (e.g. [traj1])
stateA, stateB: List of integers
If the trajectories are discrete (discrete = True), both
states are a list of indexes. However, if the trajectories
are not discrete, the states are "interval" objects
(see Interval class).
lag_time: integer
Lag time used, the trajectory is "observed" every lag_time
time steps
discrete: boolean
False when the trajectories are are not discrete. In that
case the macrostates stateA and stateB are considered
interval objects.
n_variables: integer
If the trajectory is space continuous,the number of
variables/dimensions is needed. In this case every
trajectory inside "trajectories" should have the same
number of dimensions.
A tuple of two 1D-ndarray (array1, array2), the first one contains the
observed first passage times A->B and the second one the FPTs B->A. Those
values are already multiplied by the lag_time used (not the physical units)
if (stateA is None) or (stateB is None):
raise Exception("The final and initial states have " "to be defined to compute the MFPT")
if not discrete:
The states are considered/transformed-to intervals if the Ensemble
is a set of continuous trajectories
if n_variables is None:
raise Exception("In continuous trajectories the number of " "variables is needed")
stateA = Interval(stateA, n_variables)
stateB = Interval(stateB, n_variables)
passage_timesAB = []
passage_timesBA = []
tb_values = []
for traj in trajectories:
previous_color = "Unknown"
tb_counter = 0 # event duration counter
fpt_counter = 0 # first passage time counter
for i in range(0, len(traj), lag_time):
snapshot = traj[i]
tb_counter += 1
# state and color determination
if snapshot in stateA:
color = "A"
elif snapshot in stateB:
color = "B"
color = previous_color
tb_counter += 1
# passage times
if (color == "A") or (color == "B"):
fpt_counter += 1
if previous_color == "A" and color == "B":
fpt_counter = 0
elif previous_color == "B" and color == "A":
fpt_counter = 0
elif previous_color == "Unknown" and (color == "A" or color == "B"):
fpt_counter = 0
if (snapshot in stateA) or (snapshot in stateB):
tb_counter = 0
previous_color = color
passage_timesAB = np.array(passage_timesAB) * lag_time
passage_timesBA = np.array(passage_timesBA) * lag_time
return passage_timesAB, passage_timesBA, tb_values
[docs]class MatrixFPT:
"""Define a base class for calculating FPTs using transition matrix"""
[docs] @classmethod
def mean_fpts(cls, tmatrix, stateA, stateB, lag_time=1):
"""Calculting mean-first passave time for at transition matrix
Derived class will implement this function differently.
[docs] @classmethod
def directional_mfpt(cls, transition_matrix, stateA, stateB, ini_probs=None, lag_time=1):
"""Computes the mean-first passage time in a single direction using a recursive procedure
This method is useful when there is no B->A ensemble but only A->B transitions,
for instance when B is absorbing.
transition_matrix: Numpy 2D array
stateA, stateB: List of integers
Both states are a list of indexes.
ini_probs: List of float, default is None
initial probabilities in stateA
lag_time: integer
Lag time used, the trajectory is "observed" every lag_time
time steps
mean-first passage time from A->B
lenA = len(stateA)
lenB = len(stateB)
if ini_probs is None:
ini_probs = [1.0 / lenA for i in range(lenA)]
t_matrix = deepcopy(transition_matrix)
ini_state = list(stateA)
f_state = sorted(list(stateB))
assert lenA == len(ini_probs)
for i in range(lenB - 1, -1, -1):
t_matrix = np.delete(t_matrix, f_state[i], axis=1)
t_matrix = np.delete(t_matrix, f_state[i], axis=0)
for j in range(lenA):
if f_state[i] < ini_state[j]:
ini_state[j] = ini_state[j] - 1
new_size = len(t_matrix)
mfptAB = 0.0
m = np.zeros(new_size)
idty = np.identity(new_size)
c = np.array([1.0 for i in range(new_size)])
m = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(idty - t_matrix), c)
for i in range(len(ini_state)):
k = ini_state[i]
mfptAB += ini_probs[i] * m[k]
mfptAB = mfptAB / sum(ini_probs)
return mfptAB * lag_time
[docs] @classmethod
def mfpts_to_target_microstate(cls, transition_matrix, target, lag_time=1):
"""Computes all the mean-first passage to a target microstate (k)
Returns a list where the i-element is mfpt(i->k). This function is
useful to compute the mfpt matrix.
transition_matrix: Numpy 2D array
target: Integer number that specifies the index of the state. The indexes
should be consistent with the transition matrix and python
(i.e. starting from 0)
lag_time: Integer
Lag time used, the trajectory is "observed" every lag_time
time steps
a list where the i-element is mfpt(i->k). This function is
useful to compute the mfpt matrix.
t_matrix = deepcopy(transition_matrix)
t_matrix = np.delete(t_matrix, target, axis=1)
t_matrix = np.delete(t_matrix, target, axis=0)
new_size = len(t_matrix)
m = np.zeros(new_size)
idty = np.identity(new_size)
c = np.array([1.0 for i in range(new_size)])
m = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(idty - t_matrix), c)
m = np.insert(m, target, 0.0)
return m * lag_time
[docs] @classmethod
def mfpts_matrix(cls, transition_matrix, lag_time=1):
"""Calculate MFPT matrix, i.e., the matrix where the ij-element is MFPT(i->j)
transition_matrix: Numpy 2D array
lag_time: Integer
Lag time used, the trajectory is "observed" every lag_time
time steps
mean-first passage time matrix with ij-element of MFPT(i->j)
size = len(transition_matrix)
temp_values = []
for i in range(size):
temp_values.append(cls.mfpts_to_target_microstate(transition_matrix, i, lag_time))
mfpt_m = np.array(temp_values).T # to nummpy array and transposed
return mfpt_m
[docs] @classmethod
def min_commute_time(cls, matrix_of_mfpts):
"""Calculate minimum commuting time (round trip time) between all pairs
of microstates from the matrix of mfpts. It also returns the indexes
of the pair of microstates involved.
matrix_of_mfpts: Numpy 2D array
matrix of MFPTs with ij-element of MFPT(i->j)
Minimum commuting time (round trip time) between all pairs
of microstates and the indexes of the pair of microstates involved.
matrix_of_mfpts = np.array(matrix_of_mfpts)
n_states = len(matrix_of_mfpts)
assert n_states == len(matrix_of_mfpts[0]) and n_states >= 2
# Initial values, arbitrary choice
index_i = 0
index_j = 1
commute_times = matrix_of_mfpts + matrix_of_mfpts.T
min_ct = commute_times[index_i, index_j]
for i in range(n_states):
for j in range(i + 1, n_states):
if commute_times[i, j] < min_ct:
min_ct = commute_times[i, j]
index_i = i
index_j = j
return min_ct, index_i, index_j
[docs] @classmethod
def max_commute_time(cls, matrix_of_mfpts):
"""Calculate maximum commuting time (round trip time) between all pairs
of microstates from the matrix of mfpts. It also returns the indexes
of the pair of microstates involved.
matrix_of_mfpts: Numpy 2D array
matrix of MFPTs with ij-element of MFPT(i->j)
Maximum commuting time (round trip time) between all pairs
of microstates and the indexes of the pair of microstates involved.
matrix_of_mfpts = np.array(matrix_of_mfpts)
n_states = len(matrix_of_mfpts)
assert n_states == len(matrix_of_mfpts[0]) and n_states >= 2
# Initial values, arbitrary choice
index_i = 0
index_j = 1
commute_times = matrix_of_mfpts + matrix_of_mfpts.T
max_ct = commute_times[index_i, index_j]
for i in range(n_states):
for j in range(i + 1, n_states):
if commute_times[i, j] > max_ct:
max_ct = commute_times[i, j]
index_i = i
index_j = j
return max_ct, index_i, index_j
[docs] @classmethod
def fpt_distribution(
cls, t_matrix, initial_state, final_state, initial_distrib,
min_power=1, max_power=12, max_n_lags=100, lag_time=1, dt=1.0,
clean_recycling=False, logscale=False
"""Calculated distribution of first passage times from transition matrix
t_matrix: Numpy 2D array
final_states: List of integer numbers
Specifies the indexes of initial and final states.
ini_probs: List of float, default is None
initial probabilities for initial states
max_power: Integer
The minimum and maximum power when the FPT distribution is
shown in logscale such as (10^min_power, 10^max_power)*lag_time*dt.
max_n_lags: Integer
maximum number of lags when the FPT distribution is shown in linear
scale such as (0, max_n_logs)*lag_time*dt. When in logscale, this is number
of points to shown in the range of (10^min_power, 10^max_power)*lag_time*dt.
lag_time: Integer
Lag time used, the trajectory is "observed" every lag_time
time steps
dt: Float
Time step
clean_recycling: Bool
Cleaning the recycling of steady state simulation if True
logscale: Bool
Option to use logscale for FPT time in the distribution
Distributions of first passage times
# copy everything since they are going to be modified
tmatrix = np.copy(t_matrix)
ini_state = list(initial_state)
f_state = sorted(list(final_state))
assert len(ini_state) == len(initial_distrib)
# Designate target state 0 as the only target state,
# and adding all the fluxes into the other target states into state 0.
# Namely reassign any flux into any target state into target state 0.
tmatrix[:, f_state[0]] = np.sum(tmatrix[:, f_state], axis=1)
# Remove all other target states
for i in range(len(f_state) - 1, 0, -1):
tmatrix = np.delete(tmatrix, f_state[i], axis=1)
tmatrix = np.delete(tmatrix, f_state[i], axis=0)
# For each initial state with a greater index than the target state we're cleaning.
# Decrement the index by 1 to account for the removed, cleaned state.
for j in range(len(ini_state)):
if f_state[i] < ini_state[j]:
ini_state[j] = ini_state[j] - 1
# Clean the recycling if necessary.
# Get rid of recycling boundary conditions, otherwise we're getting a CDF
if clean_recycling:
tmatrix[f_state, :] = 0.0
tmatrix[f_state, f_state] = 0.0
# The new target state is the single state since all other target states have been reassigned to.
f_state = f_state[0]
new_n_states = len(tmatrix)
list_of_pdfs = np.empty((len(ini_state), max_n_lags), dtype=np.float64)
prevFmatrix = np.empty_like(tmatrix)
# Option to set the list of lag time in logscale since FPT can be a wide distribution in several orders
if logscale:
lag_list = np.logspace(min_power, max_power, max_n_lags, dtype=int)
lag_list = np.arange(0, max_n_lags, dtype=int)
# for each ini_state calculate the FPT distribution from transition matrix
for istateIndex in range(len(ini_state)):
prevFmatrix = tmatrix.copy()
Fmatrix = np.zeros((new_n_states, new_n_states))
list_of_pdfs[istateIndex, 0] = tmatrix[ini_state[istateIndex], f_state]
Fmatrix, tmatrix, prevFmatrix, list_of_pdfs, lag_list, ini_state, istateIndex, f_state,
# Nomalize the FPT distribution and output
sum_ = np.sum(initial_distrib)
initial_distrib = np.array(initial_distrib)
density = np.sum(initial_distrib[:, None] * list_of_pdfs, axis=0) / sum_
dt2 = lag_time * dt
if logscale:
# For logscale the dts at different t are different, we need to let FPT(t)
# absorb them. Otherwise we have to use dt in variable size to calculate mean
# value such as integration of t*dt*FPT(t).
dens_list = [[0, 0]] + [[lag_list[0]*dt2, density[0]*lag_list[0]/dt2]]
for i in range(1, len(lag_list)):
dens_list += [[lag_list[i]*dt2, density[i]*(lag_list[i]-lag_list[i-1])/dt2]]
density_vs_t = np.array(dens_list)
density_vs_t = np.array([[0, 0]] +
[[(i+1) * dt2, dens / dt2] for i, dens in zip(lag_list, density)])
# normalized to 1
density_vs_t[:, 1] /= sum(density_vs_t[:, 1])
return density_vs_t
def calc_fmatrix(
cls, Fmatrix, tmatrix, prevFmatrix, list_of_pdfs, lag_list, ini_state, istateIndex, f_state,
# Calculate FPT distribution from a the recursive formula, Eq. 3 in the paper below:
# E. Suarez, A. J. Pratt, L. T. Chong, D. M. Zuckerman, Protein Science 26, 67-78 (2016).
for time_index, time in enumerate(lag_list):
# obtain the new transition matrix from time_index-1 to time_index
if time_index == 0:
tmatrix_new = np.linalg.matrix_power(tmatrix, time)
tmatrix_new = np.linalg.matrix_power(tmatrix, time-lag_list[time_index-1])
Fmatrix = np.dot(tmatrix_new, prevFmatrix - np.diag(np.diag(prevFmatrix)))
list_of_pdfs[istateIndex, time_index] = Fmatrix[ini_state[istateIndex], f_state]
prevFmatrix = Fmatrix
[docs]class MarkovFPT(MatrixFPT):
"""Derived a class for calculating FPTs using Markovian transition matrix"""
[docs] @classmethod
def mean_fpts(cls, markov_tmatrix, stateA, stateB, lag_time=1):
"""Computes mean first passage times using Markovian transition matrix
in both directions A->B and B->A from a markov model. The MFPTs computed
in this way are directly comparable with the values obtained by a long back
and forth simulation between the target states.
markov_matrix: Numpy 2D array
Markovian transition matrix
stateA, stateB: List of integers
Both states are a list of indexes.
lag_time: integer
Lag time used, the trajectory is "observed" every lag_time
time steps
mean-first passage times from A->B and B->A
auxiliar_matrix = utils.pseudo_nm_tmatrix(markov_tmatrix, stateA, stateB)
# Is going to return a Markovian mfpt since the auxiliar
# matrix was build from a pure Markovian matrix
return NonMarkovFPT.mean_fpts(auxiliar_matrix, stateA, stateB, lag_time)
[docs] @classmethod
def markov_commute_time(cls, transition_matrix, stateA, stateB, lag_time=1):
"""Computing commute time for Markovian Model
transition_matrix: Numpy 2D array
Markovian transition matrix
stateA, stateB: List of integers
Both states are a list of indexes.
lag_time: integer
Lag time used, the trajectory is "observed" every lag_time
time steps
Commute time from mean-first passage times
mfpts = cls.mean_fpts(transition_matrix, stateA, stateB, lag_time)
return mfpts["mfptAB"] + mfpts["mfptBA"]
[docs]class NonMarkovFPT(MatrixFPT):
"""Derived a class for calculating FPTs using Non Markov transition matrix"""
[docs] @classmethod
def mean_fpts(cls, nm_transition_matrix, stateA, stateB, lag_time=1):
"""Computes the mean first passage times from a non-markovian model
in both directions of A->B and B->A. The shape of the transition matrix
should be (2*n_states, 2*n_states).
nm_transition_matrix: Numpy 2D array
Non-Markovian transition matrix
stateA, stateB: List of integers
Both states are a list of indexes.
lag_time: integer
Lag time used, the trajectory is "observed" every lag_time
time steps
mean-first passage times from A->B and B->A
labeled_pops = utils.pops_from_tmatrix(nm_transition_matrix)
n_states = len(labeled_pops) // 2
fluxAB = 0
fluxBA = 0
for i in range(0, 2 * n_states, 2):
for j in range(2 * n_states):
if int(j / 2) in stateB:
fluxAB += labeled_pops[i] * nm_transition_matrix[i, j]
for i in range(1, 2 * n_states + 1, 2):
for j in range(2 * n_states):
if int(j / 2) in stateA:
fluxBA += labeled_pops[i] * nm_transition_matrix[i, j]
pop_colorA = 0.0
pop_colorB = 0.0
for i in range(0, 2 * n_states, 2):
pop_colorA += labeled_pops[i]
for i in range(1, 2 * n_states + 1, 2):
pop_colorB += labeled_pops[i]
if fluxAB == 0:
mfptAB = float("inf")
mfptAB = pop_colorA / fluxAB
if fluxBA == 0:
mfptBA = float("inf")
mfptBA = pop_colorB / fluxBA
mfptAB *= lag_time
mfptBA *= lag_time
return dict(mfptAB=mfptAB, mfptBA=mfptBA)