WEST Tools

The command line tools included with the WESTPA software package are broadly separable into two categories: Tools for initializing a simulation and tools for analyzing results.

Command function can be user defined and modified. The particular parameters of different command line tools are specified, in order of precedence, by:

  • User specified command line arguments
  • User defined environmental variables
  • Package defaults

This page focuses on outlining the general functionality of the command line tools and providing an overview of command line arguments that are shared by multiple tools. See the index of command-line tools for a more comprehensive overview of each tool.


All tools are located in the $WEST_ROOT/bin directory, where the shell variable WEST_ROOT points to the path where the WESTPA package is located on your machine.

You may wish to set this variable automatically by adding the following to your ~/.bashrc or ~/.profile file:

export WEST_ROOT="$HOME/westpa"

where the path to the westpa suite is modified accordingly.

Tools for setting up and running a simulation

Use the following commands to initialize, configure, and run a weighted ensemble simulation. Command line arguments or environmental variables can be set to specify the work managers for running the simulation, where configuration data is read from, and the HDF5 file in which results are stored.

Command Function
w_init Initializes simulation configuration files and environment. Always run this command before starting a new simulation.
w_bins Set up binning, progress coordinate
w_run Launches a simulation. Command arguments/environmental variables can be included to specify the work managers and simulation parameters
w_truncate Truncates the weighted ensemble simulation from a given iteration.

Tools for analyzing simulation results

The following command line tools are provided for analysis after running a weighted ensemble simulation (and collecting the results in an HDF5 file).

With the exception of the plotting tool plothist, all analysis tools read from and write to HDF5 type files.

Command Function
w_assign Assign walkers to bins and macrostates (using simulation output as input). Must be done before some other analysis tools (e.g. w_kinetics, w_kinavg)
w_trace Trace the path of a given walker segment over a user-specified number of simulation iterations.
w_fluxanl Calculate average probability flux into user-defined ‘target’ state with relevant statistics.
w_pdist Construct a probability distribution of results (e.g. progress coordinate membership) for subsequent plotting with plothist.
plothist Tool to plot output from other analysis tools (e.g. w_pdist).

General Command Line Options

The following arguments are shared by all command line tools:

-r config file, --rcfile config file
  Use config file as the configuration file (Default: File named west.cfg)
--quiet, --verbose, --debug
  Specify command tool output verbosity (Default: 'quiet' mode)
  Print WESTPA version number and exit
-h, --help
  Output the help information for this command line tool and exit

A note on specifying a configuration file

A configuration file, which should be stored in your simulation root directory, is read by all command line tools. The configuration file specifies parameters for general simulation setup, as well as the hdf5 file name where simulation data is stored and read by analysis tools.

If not specified, the default configuration file is assumed to be named west.cfg.

You can override this to use configuration file file by either:

  • Setting the environmental variable WESTRC equal to file:

    export WESTRC=/path/to/westrcfile
  • Including the command line argument -r /path/to/westrcfile

Work Manager Options

Note: See wwmgr overview for a more detailed explanation of the work manager framework.

Work managers a used by a number of command-line tools to process more complex tasks, especially in setting up and running simulations (i.e. w_init and w_run) - in general, work managers are involved in tasks that require multiprocessing and/or tasks distributed over multiple nodes in a cluster.


The following command-line tools make use of work managers:

General work manager options

The following are general options used for specifying the type of work manager and number of cores:

--wm-work-manager work_manager
  Specify which type of work manager to use, where the possible choices for
  work_manager are: {processes, gcserial, threads, mpi, or zmq}. See the
  wwmgr overview page <wwmgr>_ for more information on the different types of
  work managers (Default: gcprocesses)
--wm-n-workers n_workers
  Specify the number of cores to use as gcn_workers, if the work manager you
  selected supports this option (work managers that do not will ignore this
  option). If using an gcmpi or zmq work manager, specify gc--wm-n-workers=0
  for a dedicated server (Default: Number of cores available on machine)

The mpi work manager is generally sufficient for most tasks that make use of multiple nodes on a cluster. The zmq work manager is preferable if the mpi work manager does not work properly on your cluster or if you prefer to have more explicit control over the distribution of communication tasks on your cluster.

ZeroMQ (‘zmq’) work manager

The ZeroMQ work manager offers a number of additional options (all of which are optional and have default values). All of these options focus on whether the zmq work manager is set up as a server (i.e. task distributor/ventilator) or client (task processor):

--wm-zmq-mode mode
  Options: {server or client}. Specify whether the ZMQ work manager on this
  node will operate as a server or a client (Default: server)

--wm-zmq-info-file info_file
  Specify the name of a temporary file to write (as a server) or read (as a
  client) socket connection endpoints (Default: server_x.json, where x is a
  unique identifier string)

--wm-zmq-task-endpoint task_endpoint
  Explicitly use task_endpoint to bind to (as server) or connect to (as
  client) for task distribution (Default: A randomly determined endpoint that
  is written or read from the specified info_file)

--wm-zmq-result-endpoint result_endpoint
  Explicitly use result_endpoint to bind to (as server) or connect to (as
  client) to distribute and collect task results (Default: A randomly
  determined endpoint that is written to or read from the specified

--wm-zmq-announce-endpoint announce_endpoint
  Explicitly use announce_endpoint to bind to (as server) or connect to (as
  client) to distribute central announcements (Default: A randomly determined
  endpoint that is written to or read from the specified info_file)

--wm-zmq-heartbeat-interval interval
  If a server, send an Im alive ping to connected clients every interval
  seconds; If a client, expect to hear a server ping every approximately
  interval seconds, or else assume the server has crashed and shutdown
  (Default: 600 seconds)

--wm-zmq-task-timeout timeout
  Kill worker processes/jobs after that take longer than timeout seconds to
  complete (Default: no time limit)

--wm-zmq-client-comm-mode mode
  Use the communication mode, mode, (options: {ipc for Unix sockets, or tcp
  for TCP/IP sockets}) to communicate with worker processes (Default: ipc)

Initializing/Running Simulations

For a more complete overview of all the files necessary for setting up a simulation, see the user guide for setting up a simulation