Adapted from the original NMpathAnalysis package,
Check if the given matrix is actually a row-stochastic transition matrix |
Removes the states/indexes with no transitions and that are absorbing |
Get the shape of a trajectory array in tuple (n_snapshots, n_variables) |
Map a sequence of elements to a sequence of integers for intance, maps [1, 'a', 1, 'b', 2.2] to [0, 1, 0, 2, 3] |
Normalize a vector |
Transform a matrix of positive elements to a markov-like matrix |
Returns the number of non-zero elements in a vector |
Computes the populations of the real/physical states |
Calculate the eigen values and eigen vectors of the transposed transition matrix |
Obtain a pseudo non-Markovian transition matrix from a Markovian transiton matrix |
Returns a random transition markov matrix |
Reverse sorting two list based on the first one |
Select an element from a list with probability from weights |
Intervals are in general defined as half-open interval [start,end). |